Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My goodwill find

Well this is my first blog.  I wanted to blog about my goodwill finds.

  We decided to have a Halloween party and I really had no decorations.  So off to the goodwill I went.  I found a candelabra for $2.00 it was gold and kinda dated.  So I thought I could spray paint it black add some crystals and tapered candles.  So I cleaned it up scraped all the candle wax off of it and tah dah!


and after    

I think it turned out beautiful and was well worth $2.00.

Sorry I didn't take any pictures of the process but it was really easy I just bought some black gloss spray paint and sprayed it all over.  Let it try for a couple of days before adding all the crystals.  I used a combination of crystals.  I got some from my daughter that came from a chandelier and some store bought crystals from Michaels that we used for her wedding.

I will have some more Halloween post coming.


  1. Well it all looked fantastic at the party. Can't wait till next year!!!

  2. Thanks Rae we will definitely do it again next year.
